Co-Captain - please take my advice...


"American Idol Capping Expert"
Jul 20, 2001
Co-Captain - It is obvious people are jealous of your popularity here. That's how all of the bashing started. They do not want to see you succeed. However, you spend countless hours typing away in response to these clowns, and I wonder, don't you have anything better to do with your time? Why don't you get a job during the ten hours a day you respond to these guys? Seriously, isn't it a complete waste of your time and consuming your life?

You only live once buddy. This forum is not real life. It should not require you to spend 8 hours a day defending yourself.

Go out, get out of your living room (lol), and enjoy life!!!! Remember, the less attention you give these clowns, the faster they will stop with you and start harassing someone else.

Good luck, and glad we buried the hatchet. (You still owe me an apology).

New member
Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by IDENTITY:
Co-Captain - It is obvious people are jealous of your popularity here. That's how all of the bashing started. They do not want to see you succeed. However, you spend countless hours typing away in response to these clowns, and I wonder, don't you have anything better to do with your time? Why don't you get a job during the ten hours a day you respond to these guys? Seriously, isn't it a complete waste of your time and consuming your life?

You only live once buddy. This forum is not real life. It should not require you to spend 8 hours a day defending yourself.

Go out, get out of your living room (lol), and enjoy life!!!! Remember, the less attention you give these clowns, the faster they will stop with you and start harassing someone else.

Good luck, and glad we buried the hatchet. (You still owe me an apology).
You post more than he does.
Who needs to get out of the house?

Sep 20, 2004
Identity....I hear ya...What I need to do is stop taking my Laptop with me where ever I thing, is I need to have it with me most times for my other personal businesses, besides my sports investing ventures.....

Anyways, it doesnt really bother me, cause I am only reflecting back to these Bashers how they are acting and it is getting to them as they show me even more of their inability to mind their own business and more of their WEAKNESS....It is funny how these guys think that they can tell me what to do....They need to get a Grip and wake the Fvck Up!...

What is even more funny is that the majority of those Bashing me are not even capper or have the balls to show us what they are worth....Yet they think that they can talk shit....What they need to do is walk the walk, and then I will hear them when they want to talk the talk....Until then, they need to learn on their own, that their advice, comments, assumptions, guesses, lies, slanders, and other BS they are saying is really meaningless to me.....LOL.

Bashing is a Weakness and a disease and we are seeing first hand all the Sick people who come here....I seen you even tell them to get a life and Live and let live, but they ignore your request as well.....Well, I own them because I get them to post in my threads all their jealousies and insecurities to everyone and they dont even realize it....LOL.

Anyways, I am posting my plays early I will be going deep sea fishing tomorrow again, if the weather holds up, and I wont be back until a little after lunch.....Going hit the water early in the morning Hawaii time, when it is just so calm and beautiful...Nothing like being on the ocean when the sun rises and sets....Just an absolute beautiful scene......I always enjoy life and is fortunate to be able to enjoy it here on this beautiful island that I live...You cant help but to enjoy it, there is simply to many activities to do......I wish you all could experience what I experience......Maybe someday if anyone is out my way....

Hey IDENTITY...I dont know about the fact that I owe you an apology, I think it is the other way around, but, I am Man enough to give one if someone feels they deserve it.....Life is definately to short to hold on to grudges, negativities, or hatred....Plus, that shit will kill you inside, and no offense, but you aint worth me killing with that said, I offer you my Apologies and a suggestion that we all get back to our battles with beating the Man....Good luck and Aloha CC.

Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>

Keep up the comedy Co-Clown!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

New member
Jun 21, 2000
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by IDENTITY:
Co-Captain - It is obvious people are jealous of your popularity here. That's how all of the bashing started. They do not want to see you succeed.

Succeed at what.... The knob posts his picks after the games are half finished, and still can't get them right.

IDENTITY, you should stick to conducting polls, instead of offering advice.



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